
This post is coming late. I was offered a job yesterday, and had to make travel plans in a hurry. More on that later.

After three skype phone calls, and 100 questions addressed, things were settled and I collapsed into bed without a thought to turning on the air con, changing clothes or turning off the lights. NaBloPoMo could wait another day.

It’s Thanksgiving in America, and sunny in Thailand. In a rare burst of holding tight to my own culture, I asked for the day off. I will celebrate this day by spending time with my Canadian and American friends. It will be lowkey. After the last few weeks, feeling like my heart and mind were being simultaneously squeezed and stretched, I want nothing more. I have many friends in Thailand, but today I just want to enjoy a special few. After crying and praying and loving NewBaby, other NewBaby and the attempted suicide victim, together, we need a day to just enjoy. Not to perform. Not to entertain. To just be Thankful.

That’s what I am thankful for: Peace in my own life, even when everywhere I turn, I am faced with a new hell.

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